Baja SAE

Baja SAE


What is BAJA SAE?
The Baja team at Virginia Tech participates in a national competition to design, build, and test a single seat off-road vehicle to compete in informal and SAE sanctioned events.


Who can join?

Students from all majors are welcome to get involved with the team. There is no previous automotive experience required, by actively being in the Ware Lab you'll learn about all the different subsystems of the car.


How can I get involved?

Send an email to and let them know you want to get involved. To access our bay in the Ware Lab, you will need to get a Ware Lab Badge.

When are the gen team meetings?

We meet every Monday from 6:30-7:30 pm. We hope to see you there! (Every once and a while these meeting dates do fluctuate and so please contact a team member to confirm time of meeting.)

Contact Information

404 Old Turner St
Bay 104
Blacksburg, VA 24061
United States of America
Contact Email E: